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Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News

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Weekly SPI increases by 0.61 Percent

According to Figures released by PBS, the Weekly SPI for the combined Group increased by 0.61 percent. Sensitive Price Indicator Index Sept 21, 2017 Sept 14, 2017 % Change SPI (combined Group) 223.47

World Bank supports temporarily displaced persons in Pakistan

The World Bank approved $114 million on Thursday to significantly extend support for families affected by militant-related violence, improve child healthcare and establish systems for emergency response safety net delivery in the affected

Pakistan ready to work with Trump administration: PM Abbasi

NEW YORK, September 21 (NNI): While giving an interview to US television channel CNN, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that Pakistan is ready to work with US President Donald Trump administration against terrorism. Talking about Pakistan-United

Steps demanded for Rapid Agricultural Development

The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Thursday demanded steps for rapid agricultural development as the majority of the population is linked to this sector. Around eighty percent exports of the country are linked

UK Trade Minister visits GSK Pakistan

“Pakistan is a vibrant economy, open for business. I want to see more of Britain’s leading companies, like GSK, doing business, creating jobs and supporting economic growth in both the UK and Pakistan”,