Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News

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Governor State Bank of Pakistan to Visit FPCCI

Governor State Bank of Pakistan Mr. Tariq Bajwa along with Deputy Governor, MD PBS, Executive Directors will be meeting with the leaders of the business community, corporate sector, leading industrialist, exporters and president

SECP to continue its vigorous enforcement drive

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) reaffirms its commitment to continue its vigorous campaign against perpetrators of manipulative schemes, insider traders and violators of regulatory principles. It is pertinent to mention

Pakistan’s exports increase 10.58 percent in July

The country’s exports witnessed 10.58 percent increase during the first month of the ongoing fiscal year (2017-18), compared to the corresponding month of last year. Pakistan exported goods worth $1.631 billion in July 2017