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Mettis Global News

OGRA proposes cut in diesel and motor gasoline prices

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Oil and Gas Regulatory has proposed a cut in petrol and high speed diesel prices following drop in crude oil prices. OGRA has prepared a summary and sent for approval , new price which would be effective from July 1.

The Authority has proposed a cut of Rs 2.70 per liter for high speed diesel . If approved new price would be Rs 78.70 per liter from next month from current mark of Rs 81.40 per liter.
Motor gasoline has been proposed a cur of Rs 3.30 to Rs 69.50 from Rs 72.80 per liter.

OGRA has proposed an increase in price of kerosene and light diesel by Rs 11 and Rs 7 to Rs 55 and Rs 51 per liter respectively.


Posted on: 2017-06-29T19:01:00+05:00