Last week’s carnage is over, market after an interim fall since the morning has been dominated by Bulls. Market after falling continuously for the week is finally showing signs of recovery.
After leaving investors stunned throughout the week, the market has since trading started has gained more than 800 points.
MSCI led stocks; Lucky Cement LUCK 41.28, Engro Corp ENGRO 43.95, United Bank Limited UBL 66.95, MCB 17.26 and Habib Bank Limited HBL 57.96 except for OGDC, have collectively moved the market up by 228 points.
Other early movers include; Sui Northern Gas Pipeline SNGP 33.30, D.G.K. Cement DGKC 39.76 and Dawood Hercules DAWH 36.68.
Top gainers since morning: Wyeth Pakistan Ltd. WYETH +4.97%, Indus Motors Company INDU +4.65%, Hino Pak Motors HINO+3.85%, ICI Pakistan ICI +4.67% and Mari Petroleum MARI +2.80%.
Top net losers since morning: JDW Sugar Mills JDWS -4.53%, Murree Brewery MUREB -0.79%, Otsuka Pakistan Ltd. OTSU-2.35%, Pakistan Paper Products PPP -1.77% and National Foods Limited NATF -0.81%.