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TDAP develops first online Pakistan exporters directory

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Karachi: Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) has developed its first online Pakistan Exporters’ Directory. The directory is now on stream and can be accessed both through TDAP’s website and direct search using the link The directory provides an extensive online database of Pakistani exporters to assist foreign buyers in sourcing their requirements from Pakistan. Exporters’ data for the purpose has been extracted from Pakistan Customs record for the year 2016 to ensure authenticity and credibility.

The Directory provides an elaborate search facility based on three key parameters that include HS Code, Product Category, and Company Name. Companies in the directory have been placed into large, medium, and small categories based on their annual export turnovers. This will facilitate foreign buyers and local companies in establishing mutually beneficial communications and linkages. The directory is also expected to promote export companies in Pakistan by making available relevant details regarding their products, export performances, and profiles to foreign buyers. This in turn would contribute to enhancing exports from Pakistan.

Information in the directory will be regularly updated by the TDAP on the basis of annual export data for future years and inputs received from stakeholders. The directory allows new companies to become part of the directory while existing companies can get their data updated or fill any information gaps by completing online forms.

Functionality of the directory will be enhanced during the second phase of its development wherein its scope will be enlarged through addition of several new features and improving the existing ones based on users’ feedback.

Posted on: 2017-05-31T13:42:00+05:00