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Mettis Global News

Stock Market surges by 900 points – MSCI Stocks add around 380 points to the market

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MSCI stocks boost the market to an all time high with a tally of 53014.17 points. The largest points contributors to the market during the morning session are Habib Bank Limited, United Bank Ltd., MCB Bank Limited; the trio cumulatively adding a total of 182 points to the tally.

Other MSCI listed companies in the market since morning have also fared well; OGDCL has single handedly contributed 111 points to the market. Lucky Cement added 43 points to the index since the morning bell, whereas Engro Corp contributed 41.50 points

Other major movers in the market since morning; Engro Corp, Bank Al-Habib, Hub Power Co, PPL, Dawood Hercules and MARI Petroleum.

Posted on: 2017-05-24T11:31:00+05:00