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SIDCL receives 1st batch of 40 Green Line Buses

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September 19, 2021: Federal Minister of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives Asad Umer, while attending the event at Karachi Port regarding fleet delivery for Green Line BRTS buses stated that Federal Government has achieved another milestone as part of the Prime Minister’s Karachi Transformation Package (KTP).

He further stated that Green Line BRTS is a modern technology-based transport system comprising a 22 km dedicated Corridor aimed at providing easier mobility and facilitating daily ridership of 135,000 passengers per day. 

He informed that a comprehensive Command and Control Centre had been established for the projects including Green Line, Orange Line, etc. The second consignment of 40 more buses expected to reach in October, and the Green Line would be made operational by the end of November. He said that the Green Line was the first state-of-the-art project, which was being introduced to the city with 20.5 kilometre long corridor. A bus depot had been built for 80 buses whereas 22 bus stations had been completed.

Mr. Imran Ismail, Governor Sindh appreciated the efforts made by Sindh Infrastructure Development Co. Ltd (SIDCL) ensuring completion of Green Line project within its timelines. The dedicated Corridor serves some of Karachi’s most populated areas, namely Surjani Town to Gurumandir and Numaish Chowrangi (Phase 1).  While Phase 1 goes live in November 2021, Phase 2 (terminating at Municipal Park) is scheduled for late 2022.

Mr. Nadeem Lodhi, CEO SIDCL explained to the audience that the underlying fleet is low entry 18m Articulated Diesel-Hybrid self-charging technology which benefits the environment.  The Fleet is equipped with Modern Intelligent Transport System (ITS) such as Automatic Location System, Real Time Passenger Information, Surveillance Cameras and Auto-doors. The fleet is designed to offer comfortable modular seats, air-conditioning, digital screens and space for advertisement. The Fleet is designed to cater to people with special needs, will also benefit the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels, limiting emissions & reduced journey time. Post Port clearance, the Fleet will be transported under the supervision of a Chinese technical team to its new home at the dedicated Bus Depot located in Surjani Town. 

Following an intense period of technical reviews, inspection, class room driver training etc, the Fleet will commence training sorties on the Corridor by mid-October. Subsequent to full-fledged User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Green Line commercial operations will commence by end November 2021.

Press Release

Posted on: 2021-09-19T16:49:57+05:00