Chinese President, Xi Jinping has announced that China will host Second Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation in 2019. President Xi while addressing the conference said that implementation of Belt and Road forum was in full swing as governments and representative of 68 countries had signed multilateral agreements with China. He said that these ties need to be strengthened in order to develop deep and broad co-operation amongst the members.
He held that a list of 270 outcomes was finalized citing progress on project, saying that the project was getting confidence boost from the co-operation of countries from around the world. He said world trade needs to be accentuated by developing a system of mutual co-operation and inclusiveness. HE also said that China believes in synergy of different countries around the world in order to help countries in their efforts for development and poverty reduction. He also added that projects also need to increase people to people communication and catapult Chinese culture via cultural exchange programs across the borders to strengthen ties.
The participants of the forum agreed on a variety of outcomes and adopted a joint communiqué. The forum that lasted for two days in Beijing was the most important event held regarding Belt and Road initiative after President Xi Jinping announced the project back in 2013. It also was the highest gathering of international leaders ever hosted by China.