September 05, 2024 (MLN): The net receipts of Savings Mobilized by National Savings Schemes (NSS) stood at Rs18.39 billion in July, the highest since May 2020, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) data.
That compares with the last 36-month average outflow of Rs26.8bn.
In the past few years, these savings schemes have reflected a consistent trend of net outflows. In the fiscal year 2023-24, Rs108bn was taken out from these schemes.
Breaking down the figures, the Defence Saving Certificates (DSC) experienced a net inflow of Rs4.09bn in July 2024, indicating that more funds were injected into DSCs than withdrawn during this month.
Meanwhile, the Regular Income Certificates (RIC) recorded an outflow of Rs2.04bn, and Rs347.99m was injected into the Special Savings Certificates (SSC).
Similarly, Rs988.01m was injected into Prize Bonds.
Moreover, other savings categories within NSS recorded receipts totaling Rs15bn. It rose substantially as compared to Rs2.8bn in the previous month.