January 25, 2025 (MLN): The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) has conducted its Quarterly Review exercise of Futures Eligible Securities.
This review, based on six months of data ending December 31, 2024, aligns with the amended eligibility criteria for selecting securities eligible for trading in the Deliverable Futures Contract (DFC) market.
The amended eligibility criteria were approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), according to the notice issued by PSX.
Incoming securities will be added to the list of eligible securities, which includes the following companies:
Sr. | Symbol | Company | ||||
1 | AGP | AGP Limited | ||||
2 | BML | Bank Makramah Limited | ||||
3 | CSAP | Crescent Steel & Allied Products Ltd | ||||
4 | GLAXO | GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited | ||||
5 | IMAGE | Image Pakistan Limited | ||||
6 | MARI | Mari Energies Limited | ||||
7 | WAVESAPP | Waves Home Appliances Ltd |
Outgoing securities will remain part of the eligible securities list for only a single 90-day contract, i.e., DFC-APR-2025 (where applicable). Existing contracts (DFC-FEB-2025 and DFC-MAR-2025) will continue trading until their respective expiration, with the companies listed as follows:
Sr. | Symbol | Company | |||
1 | FEROZ | Ferozsons Laboratories Limited | |||
2 | MZNPETF* | Meezan Pakistan ETF | |||
3 | SHEL | Shell Pakistan Limited |
Relaxation Rule Securities that remain eligible under the relaxation rule may be excluded if they fail to meet quantitative parameters during subsequent reviews. The companies included are as follows:
Sr. | Symbol | Company | |||||
1 | BIPL | BankIslami Pakistan Limited | |||||
2 | CEPB | Century Paper & Board Mills Ltd | |||||
3 | DCR | Dolmen City REIT | |||||
4 | JSBL | JS Bank Limited | |||||
5 | LPL | Lalpir Power Limited | |||||
6 | PABC | Pak. Aluminium Beverage Cans Ltd | |||||
7 | PAKRI | Pakistan Reinsurance Company Ltd | |||||
8 | PIAHCLA | PIA Holding Co. Ltd | |||||
9 | TGL | Tariq Glass Industries Limited |
The final list of eligible securities for trading in the DFC market is as follows:
Sr. | Symbol | Company | Sr. | Symbol | Company |
1 | AGHA | Agha Steel Ind.Ltd | 54 | LPL | Lalpir Power Limited |
2 | AGL | Agritech Limited | 55 | LUCK | Lucky Cement Limited |
3 | AGP | AGP Limited | 56 | MARI | Mari Energies Limited |
4 | AICL | Adamjee Insurance Company Ltd | 57 | MCB | MCB Bank Limited |
5 | AIRLINK | Air Link Communication Limited | 58 | MEBL | Meezan Bank Limited |
6 | AKBL | Askari Bank Limited | 59 | MLCF | Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited |
7 | ASL | Aisha Steel Mills Limited | 60 | MTL | Millat Tractors Limited |
8 | ATRL | Attock Refinery Limited | 61 | MUGHAL | Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Ltd |
9 | AVN | Avanceon Limited | 62 | NBP | National Bank of Pakistan |
10 | BAFL | Bank Alfalah Limited | 63 | NBPGETF | NBP Pakistan Growth ETF |
11 | BAHL | Bank AL Habib Limited | 64 | NCPL | Nishat Chunian Power Limited |
12 | BIPL | BankIslami Pakistan Limited | 65 | NETSOL | NetSol Technologies Limited |
13 | BML | Bank Makramah Limited | 66 | NITGETF | NIT Pakistan Gateway ETF |
14 | BOP | The Bank of Punjab | 67 | NML | Nishat Mills Limited |
15 | CEPB | Century Paper & Board Mills Ltd | 68 | NPL | Nishat Power Limited |
16 | CHCC | Cherat Cement Company Limited | 69 | NRL | National Refinery Limited |
17 | CNERGY | Cnergyico PK Limited | 70 | OCTOPUS | Octopus Digital Limited |
18 | CPHL | Citi Pharma Ltd. | 71 | OGDC | Oil & Gas Development Company Ltd |
19 | CSAP | Crescent Steel & Allied Products Ltd | 72 | PABC | Pak. Aluminium Beverage Cans Ltd |
20 | DCL | Dewan Cement Limited | 73 | PACE | Pace (Pakistan) Limited |
21 | DCR | Dolmen City REIT | 74 | PAEL | Pak Elektron Limited |
22 | DFML | Dewan Farooque Motors Limited | 75 | PAKRI | Pakistan Reinsurance Company Ltd |
23 | DGKC | D.G. Khan Cement Company Ltd | 76 | PIAHCLA | PIA Holding Co.Ltd |
24 | EFERT | Engro Fertilizers Limited | 77 | PIBTL | Pakistan International Bulk Terminal |
25 | EPCL | Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited | 78 | PIOC | Pioneer Cement Limited |
26 | FABL | Faysal Bank Limited | 79 | POL | Pakistan Oilfields Limited |
27 | FATIMA | Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited | 80 | POWER | Power Cement Limited |
28 | FCCL | Fauji Cement Company Limited | 81 | PPL | Pakistan Petroleum Limited |
29 | FCEPL | Frieslandcampina Engro Pak. Ltd | 82 | PRL | Pakistan Refinery Limited |
30 | FEROZ | Ferozsons Laboratories Limited | 83 | PSO | Pakistan State Oil Company Limited |
31 | FFC | Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited | 84 | PTC | Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd |
32 | FFL | Fauji Foods Limited | 85 | SAZEW | Sazgar Engineering Works Limited |
33 | FLYNG | Flying Cement Company Limited | 86 | SEARL | The Searle Company Limited |
34 | GAL | Ghandhara Automobile | 87 | SHEL | Shell Pakistan Limited |
35 | GATM | Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited | 88 | SILK | Silkbank Limited |
36 | GGL | Ghani Global Holdings Limited | 89 | SNBL | Soneri Bank Limited |
37 | GHGL | Ghani Glass Limited | 90 | SNGP | Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited |
38 | GHNI | Ghandhara Industries Limited | 91 | SSGC | Sui Southern Gas Company Limited |
39 | GLAXO | GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited | 92 | SYM | Symmetry Group Ltd |
40 | HBL | Habib Bank Limited | 93 | SYS | Systems Limited |
41 | HUBC | The Hub Power Company Limited | 94 | TELE | Telecard Limited |
42 | HUMNL | Hum Network Limited | 95 | TGL | Tariq Glass Industries Limited |
43 | ILP | Interloop Limited | 96 | TOMCL | The Organic Meat Company Limited |
44 | IMAGE | Image Pakistan Limited | 97 | TPLP | TPL Properties Limited |
45 | INIL | International Industries Limited | 98 | TREET | Treet Corporation Limited |
46 | ISL | International Steels Limited | 99 | TRG | TRG Pakistan Limited |
47 | JSBL | JS Bank Limited | 100 | UBL | United Bank Limited |
48 | JSGBETF | JS Global Banking Sector ETF | 101 | UBLPETF | UBL Pakistan Enterprise ETF |
49 | JSMFETF | JS Momentum Factor ETF | 102 | UNITY | Unity Foods Limited |
50 | KAPCO | Kot Addu Power Company Limited | 103 | WAVES | Waves Corporation Limited |
51 | KEL | K-Electric Limited | 104 | WAVESAPP | Waves Home Appliances Ltd |
52 | KOSM | Kohinoor Spinning Mills Limited | 105 | WTL | Worldcall Telecom Limited |
53 | LOTCHEM | Lotte Chemical Pakistan Limited | 106 | YOUW | Yousaf Weaving Mills Limited |
"PSX will be notifying relevant trading schedules in due course of time" the notice reads.
Copyright Mettis Link News
Posted on: 2025-01-25T16:36:47+05:00