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Mettis Global News

MTB Auction: Bid Pattern

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July 31, 2019 (MLN): The State Bank of Pakistan released the Bid Pattern for today's MTB Auction.

Auction Target is Rs.1,500 Billion against a maturing amount of Rs.603.286 Billion showing an additional funding requirement of Rs.896.714 Billion by the Government.

The SBP received bids worth Rs.936.50 Billion, out of which Rs.838.75 Billion was for 3 Months, Rs.43.26 Billion was for 6 Months and Rs.54.50 Billion was for 12 months.

If the SBP maintains the cut off yields (3m: 13.7499%, 6m: 13.9500%, 12m: 14.1000%) from the previous auction, it will pick up Rs.852.55 Billion from the competitive bids.

Link to Full Bid Pattern


Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on: 2019-07-31T15:25:00+05:00