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BOP achieves 16.9% profit growth in quarterly results

BOP achieves 16.9% profit growth in quarterly results
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August 29, 2024 (MLN): The Bank of Punjab (PSX: BOP) announced its results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, wherein the bank’s profit after tax rose 16.85% to Rs2.66 billion [EPS: Rs0.8] compared to the Rs2.27bn [EPS: Rs0.67] profit recorded in the same quarter last year.

Going by the income statement made available by the bank on the PSX, the bank’s net markup income dropped 23.4% YoY, to clock in at Rs7.39bn against Rs9.65bn recorded in Q2 CY23.

Despite the decrease in the bank's interest income, BOP was able to report a higher profit this quarter due to a 108.86% increase in its non-markup interest income, which rose to Rs6.3 billion from Rs3.02 billion in the same period last year.

This was primarily due to a major rise in BOP's gain on securities, clocking in at Rs1.39bn as against a loss of Rs19.84m in Q2 CY23. Additionally, the foreign exchange income was another major supporting factor.

The bank also reported net gains of Rs1.36 billion on the recognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost during the review quarter.

However, both dividend and fee and commission income, components under the non-markup income, experienced a decline during the review quarter.

The profit and loss statement further shows that the total non-mark-up/interest expenses stood at Rs11.8bn, up by 13.41% YoY.

During Q2 CY24, the bank incurred a provision reversal of Rs1.66bn, compared to a provision expense worth Rs472.82m reported in the SPLY.

The bank incurred a tax expense of Rs899m during the quarter, against a tax rebate of Rs484.17m recorded in Q2 CY23.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 (Rupees in '000)
  Jun-24 Jun-23 % Change
Mark-up/return/interest earned 87,503,350 76,143,348 14.92%
Mark-up/return/interest expensed 80,111,732 66,493,482 20.48%
Net mark-up/return/interest income 7,391,618 9,649,866 -23.40%
Fee and commision income 2,463,806 2,838,949 -13.21%
Dividend income 48,069 108,680 -55.77%
Foreign exchange (loss) income 555,551 -3,886 -14396.22%
Income/(loss) from derivatives      
Gain / (loss) on securities – net 1,387,655 -19,838 -7094.93%
Net gains on recognition of financial assets measured at amortised cost 1,362,018
Other income-net 485,086 93,512 418.74%
Total non mark-up/interest income 6,302,185 3,017,417 108.86%
Total Income 13,693,803 12,667,283 8.10%
Operating expenses 11,765,735 10,359,446 13.57%
Workers welfare fund 33,640 37,953
Other charges 1,495 8,033 -81.39%
Total non mark-up/interest expenses 11,800,870 10,405,432 13.41%
Profit before provisions 1,892,933 2,261,851 -16.31%
(Reversal of credit loss allowance) / provisions and write offs-net -1,661,397 472,820 -451.38%
Extra ordinary/unusual items
Profit before taxation 3,554,330 1,789,031 98.67%
Taxation 898,096 -484,168 -285.49%
Profit after taxation 2,656,234 2,273,199 16.85%
Earnings per share – Basic and Diluted (in Rupees) 0.8 0.67

Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on: 2024-08-29T15:03:29+05:00