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Mettis Global News

SNGP takes strong measures to overcome the spread of Coronavirus

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March 17, 2020 (MLN): Sui Northern Gas Pipeline is striving hard to play an effective role in preventing the spread of Coronavirus infection and enhancing the awareness level among its employees. Consumers and general public.

In a notice sent to the Pakistan Stock Exchange on Tuesday, the company laid out a list of measures it took to overcome the adversities created by the pandemic. Some of the prominent measures include:

  • Special awareness sessions to spread awareness regarding the virus
  • Development of comprehensive contingency plan
  • Establishment of HSE Week-2020 to improve understanding and awareness level of its employees towards Health and Safety
  • Postponement of foreign travelling by employees
  • Postponement of all training sessions and scheduled events to avoid large gatherings

Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on: 2020-03-17T11:32:00+05:00