August 27, 2024 (MLN): Prime minister Shehbaz Sharif has instructed that the E-Office system be implemented in the Prime Minister's Office/Secretariat within the next three days as part of a push towards digitization.
Moreover, the prime minister has directed that the legislative process for winding up the National Information Technology Board (NITB) be initiated immediately, along with a well-structured plan for the transfer of its functions and assets within two weeks.
The Task Management System should also be linked with the E-Office application to ensure interoperability within one week, said a notification issued by the prime minister's office.
The minister for economic affairs, Rana Ihsaan Afzal; the coordinator to the prime minister; the secretary of the cabinet; and the minister of state for IT & telecom are to finalize the strategic vision for the automation of the federal government, along with a change management plan to achieve this vision, within one week.