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SBP Sells Rs.117.72Bn In 3Y Sukuk Auction

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SBP conducted an auction of 3 Year Govt. Ijara Sukuk in which it accepted Bids worth Rs.117.723 Billion against a pre-auction target of Rs.100Bn. It received Bids for total amount of Rs.273.30Bn with Cut off to benchmark ranging from -180 to +25 bps. Out of this the central bank accepted Cut off margin over benchmark at -50bps. The Benchmark is the 6M MTB Weighted Average Rate, which in the previous auction was 6.3946% which would make the first rental coupon 5.8946%, although that is yet to be officially set.

Item Value
GIS Information
Auction Date 15-Dec-15
Settlement Date 18-Dec-15
Maturtiy Date 18-Dec-18
Spread to Benchmark -50Bps
Issued Amount Rs.117.723 Billion
First Rental Coupon* 5.8946%

*Rental coupon not officially set by SBP

Posted on: 2015-12-15T16:41:00+05:00