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PBS introduces advanced techniques for Agricultural Census 2024

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February 22, 2024 (MLN): The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is pioneering the implementation of cutting-edge methodologies for the upcoming Agricultural Census 2024, marking a historic milestone for Pakistan, according to a press release issued yesterday.

Utilizing state-of-the-art tools, PBS aims to conduct the 7th Agricultural Census with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy.

To achieve this, PBS will employ seven software modules, enabling an integrated and digital approach to the census, thereby maximizing its benefits for Pakistan's agricultural sector.

As part of this initiative, a training session on the ‘HR and Assignment Module’ was conducted for Census Divisional and District coordinators from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on February 21, 2024.

The training session, attended by 42 participants from various regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, focused on software modules essential for conducting the digital Agricultural Census scheduled for 2024. In September-October, 2024, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is gearing up to undertake the 7th Agricultural Census across the nation.

This will mark the implementation of a Digital Integrated Agricultural Census in Pakistan. Previously, agricultural, livestock and agricultural machinery were tallied separately in distinct censuses.

Now, they have been amalgamated into an Integrated Agricultural Census as a singular endeavor to optimize resource utilization.

The field operations team has been sourced from Provincial governments, who will also oversee the execution and monitoring of field operations.

The Support Services Wing of PBS has developed several administrative modules and data entry software applications to enhance the systematic and efficient utilization of digital technology.

Among these, a key software is the 'Supervisor and Enumerator Management System', which plays a crucial role in facilitating the smooth finalization of Human Resources for Field Work by providing detailed insights into staff allocation for effective management.

To ensure the seamless utilization of this Management System, an orientation session was conducted for relevant staff, including district and divisional coordinators, in Peshawar on February 21, 2024.

The purpose of this training was to equip them with proficiency in all modules of the Management System.

Practical engagement with these modules significantly enriched participants' learning experiences.

Shaukat Ali Khan (DDG/Provincial Imcharge, KPK), extended a warm welcome to all training attendees, emphasizing the significance of software in ‘HR management and Duty assignment’.

He provided an overview of additional software modules and instructed field staff to grasp and utilize the Supervisors & Enumerators Management System effectively to ensure the seamless execution of the 7th Agricultural Census Field Operation. Participants demonstrated a strong interest in the system and praised its user-friendly interface.

They anticipated that it would enhance their efficiency and streamline processes compared to previously employed methods, leading to time savings and error reduction.

Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on: 2024-02-22T16:35:10+05:00