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MTB Auction: SBP Sells T-Bills Worth Rs.254 Billion

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The Central Bank conducted an auction on wednesday in which it sold Treasury Bill worth Rs.254.035 Billion against a pre-auction target of Rs.250 Billion. Out of the 254 Billion Rs.11.075 Billion was from the Non Competitive Auction. The SBP had received bids for Rs.536 Billion with the largest concentration in the 12 month instrument followed by 6 Month and 3 Month instruments.

Tenor Maturity Bids # Bid Amount Bid Range
Summary of Bids
3M 31-Mar-16 49 119,333.00 6.3038 – 6.4380
6M 07-Jul-16 62 191,300.00 6.2452 – 6.4159
12M 05-Jan-17 61 225,540.00 6.2532 – 6.4573
Tenor Cutoff Yld W.A Yield Realized Face Value

Auction Result

3M 6.3038 6.3038 71,384.39 72,420.00
6M 6.3092 6.2825 113,446.15 117,000.00
12M 6.3098 6.2777 50,385.63 53,540.00
Tenor 06-Jan-16 23-Dec-15 Change

Change in Cut Off Yields

3M 6.3038 6.3374 -0.0336
6M 6.3092 6.3637 -0.0545
1Y 6.3098 6.3914 -0.0816


Posted on: 2016-01-06T18:09:00+05:00