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Cotton arrivals reach 3.93m bales as on September 15

Pakistan’s cotton arrivals reach 8.397m bales as of March 31
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September 18, 2023 (MLN): Cotton arrivals in Pakistan have reached 3.933 million bales as of September 15, 2023, data released by the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) on Monday showed.

The total cotton arrivals have increased by 79.87% YoY compared to 2.187m bales in the Same Period Last Year (SPLY).

In comparison to the data for August 31, in which the total arrivals were 3.041m bales, cotton arrivals increased by 29.33%.

According to the PCGA, cotton arrivals from Sindh province, which is a major cotton-producing region, rose by 2.15x YoY to 2.389m bales.

When compared to the data issued earlier on August 31, in which the arrivals from Sindh province stood at 1.972 million bales, there has been an increase of 21.15%.

Meanwhile, cotton arrivals from Punjab province, another key cotton-producing region, increased by 44% YoY to 1.544m bales.

The number of 1.544 million bales marks a 44.57% increase compared to the 1.068m bales reported two weeks earlier.

Pakistan is among the top ten cotton-producing countries in the world, and cotton and textile products are among the country’s major exports.

Copyright Mettis Link News

Posted on: 2023-09-18T11:33:58+05:00