Mettis Global News
Mettis Global News

SBP Injects 700 Bn in 7 Day Reverse Repo

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SBP conducted its fourth OMO of the week injecting 700bn in a 7 day Reverse Repo at 6.04%. It received 21 quotes ranging between 6.10 % and 6.03 % of which it accepted 19. 

The following is a table of all OMO's conducted this week

Date Type Term Amount Rate
2015-09-28 Injection 2 Day 1,374,000 6.00
2015-09-30 Injection 2 Day 623,800 6.07
2015-10-01 Injection 8 Day 500,000 6.03
2015-10-02 Injection 7 Day 704,700 6.04
    Total 3,202,500  



Posted on: 2015-10-02T11:40:00+05:00