April 17, 2024 (MLN): The Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX) on Tuesday registered traded contracts worth around Rs26.73 billion, marking a notable decrease of 29.73% DoD compared to the previous close of Rs38.05bn.
At the same time, with a decrease of 26.13% DoD in the number of lots traded, 20,141 lots changed hands, compared to 27,267 during the previous session. While, the commodity exchange closed at 10,291, down by 0.90% DoD.
Gold continued to remain in the limelight, contributing significantly to the trading volume with transactions worth Rs14.98 billion. Following closely behind, Currencies through COTS recorded trading valued at Rs3bn.
NSDQ 100 also made a prominent spot, clocking in at Rs2.82bn. In addition, Platinum, Crude Oil, Silver and Paldium attracted substantial attention from investors as well and their transactions stood at Rs1.21bn, Rs1.11bn, and Rs2.59bn, and Rs85.75m, respectively.
Moreover, transactions of Natural Gas transactions reached Rs277.56 m, DJ at Rs190.75m, Copper at Rs105.78m, SP 500 at Rs188.68m, and Brent at Rs19.26m.
In the agricultural commodities segment, Cotton saw active trading, with 19 lots amounting to Rs31.42m changing hands.