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PM to inaugurate KPP today

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October 4, 2021: A flagship initiative of the present Government, the Kamyab Pakistan Program (KPP), will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister on 04 October 2021.

In line with the vision of the Prime Minister to empower the masses, the Government of Pakistan has taken multiple initiatives which are targeted towards poverty alleviation, employment generation and provision of affordable housing for the masses. Kamyab Pakistan Program has been designed to transform the lives of the marginalized segments of society.

The program shall disburse microcredit amounting to Rs.1400 billion for the poorest of the poor, 3.7 million households, providing them with much-needed financial support to improve their livelihood. Financing under KPP shall only be extended to families with a cumulative average monthly income of up to Rs.50,000 per month.

This is the first program of its kind in Pakistan’s history wherein the banks are being connected to the lowest income segment through Micro-finance Institutions. KPP, a brainchild of the Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin, is based on the concept of financial empowerment i.e. creating opportunities to improve the financial health of people with limited access to resources.

The Finance Minister stated that the Government is firmly committed not to provide fish to the poor people but teach them how to catch one for a sustainable living arrangement under the umbrella of KPP. The whole paradigm of KPP will change the lives of the underprivileged people in Pakistan over the years.

The program is based on the most innovative financing structure in recent times. KPP has five components namely (i) Kamyab Kissan (ii) Kamyab Karobar (iii) Naya Pakistan low-cost housing (iv) Kamyab Hunarmand and (v) Sehatmand Pakistan. Under the first 03 components, micro-loans shall be disbursed amongst eligible persons registered with Ehsaas Data, scientifically collected through National Socio-economic Registry (NSER). The last two components of KPP will be integrated with the Government’s existing initiatives.

Kamyab Hunarmand is designed to integrate with Government’s ongoing skill development program for imparting educational and vocational training to our talented youth. The KPP also includes a user-friendly portal called Kamyab Pakistan Information System (KPIS). The portal will be integrated with Ehsaas and NADRA databases for verification of beneficiaries’ eligibility to facilitate the executing agencies (i.e., MFP's) for finalizing the financing modalities in a most efficient and seamless manner.

KPP will complement the efforts of the Government to counter inflation by enabling the masses to improve their livelihood. The KPP shall be rolled out gradually. During the first phase, Gilgit-Baltistan, AJK, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the poorest of the poor districts of Punjab and Sindh are included.

KPP is a true dispensation of a responsible state to uplift its poor and vulnerable segments with a key focus on “bottom-up approach” for achieving all-inclusive and sustainable economic growth as envisaged by the Prime Minister.

Press Release

Posted on: 2021-10-04T10:29:04+05:00