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Mettis Global News

PIB Auction Result – Yields Decline

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SBP on Wednesday conducted its monthly PIB Auction in which it sold PIB’s worth Rs.46.684Bn realizing an amount of Rs.49.134Bn against a pre-auction target of Rs.50Bn. The 20Y Instrument did not received any Bids.

Yields declined in all tenors, coming down 17 bps in 3y, 18bps in 5y and 8bps in 10Y instruments.

The SBP received bids for Rs.103.712Bn with most of the bids concentrated in the 3Y instrument (Rs.68bn), followed by 5Y (Rs.30Bn) while the 10Y(Rs.5.05Bn) instrument received the least Bids.

Out of these, SBP accepted Rs.37bn in 3y, Rs.8.8bn in 5y and Rs.200mn in 10Y.

Total Amount issued (including Non-Competitive Auction and Short Selling) amounted to Rs.50.291Bn.

Posted on: 2015-11-18T20:30:00+05:00