August 23, 2019: The government has released Rs 198.153 million for various ongoing and new projects of Revenue Division under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the current fiscal year (2019-20).
The government, in its Federal PSDP, had earmarked Rs 1918.238 million for the Revenue Division projects, with foreign exchange component of Rs 250 million, according to the latest data released by of Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform.
The government released Rs 76 million for development of Integrated Transit Trade Management System (ITTMS) for which an amount of Rs 480 million has been allocated in the federal PSDP 2019-20, including foreign aid of Rs 100 million.
An amount of Rs 56.350 million have been released for establishment of Inland Revenue Offices in Pakistan for which Rs 331.770 million amount was earmarked in the current PSDP.
The government released Rs 30 million for construction of Model Customs Collectorate at Gwadar for which Rs 200 million have been earmarked in the current PSDP.
The government also released Rs 3.83 million for construction of warehouse for Model Customs Collectorate at Khokar Niaz Baig Lahore for which Rs 19.171 million were allocated this year.
It is pertinent to mention here that the federal government has so far released Rs 15.4 billion for various ongoing and new social sector uplift projects under its Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2019-20, as against the total allocation of Rs 701 billion.
Under its development program, the government has released an amount of Rs 10.2 billion for federal ministries, whereas Rs 4.6 billion for special areas, according to a data released by Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform.